Abdullah Şamil Güser


Title Date Description
Advancing AI with Local Learning and Uncertainty Estimation 2024-12-08 o1-preview summary of the video
Stanford CS229 I Machine Learning I Building Large Language Models (LLMs) 2024-11-24 o1-preview summary of the video
CLIP - Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining 2024-05-05 A brief explanation of CLIP method
Approximate Nearest Neighbor Methods 2023-12-22 This blog post explores Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) methods, discussing their importance, various techniques like HNSW, LSH, ANNOY, and Spill Trees, and Python libraries for implementing these methods.
Text Classification Using Class Information 2023-12-18 How should our approach to text classfication change if our classes also have meanings.
Model Deployment Strategies 2023-12-13 I dissect the machine learning model development lifecycle, exploring deployment strategies and techniques for effective model deployment.
Alignment Problem 2023-08-26 Summary of the blog Musings on the Alignment Problem by Jan Leike


Title Date Description
Hypothesis Testing 2023-08-25 Short description for hypothesis testing
z-score 2023-08-25 Short description for z-score

Speech Processing

Title Date Description
MFCC 2022-08-25 Short description for MFCC